Saturday, August 15, 2009

Stuck in Frankfurt...

After numerous planes, airports, and layovers, we are stuck in Frankfurt. We left Friday morning, and I feel like I can't remember when that was. It has taken a while to get here.
Tired, dragging, and dying to be finished traveling, we found out that our Air Namibia flight was postponed until tomorrow morning because they needed to replace an engine.
Luckily, the airline put us in a nice hotel in Frankfurt, and we are able to relax and sleep (and shower!) after 36 hours of travel.
Only one more 10 hour flight to go...
But I guess this is just how it is when you travel to Africa, or other exciting places. I'm actually really enjoying the delay. The spontaneity and unpredictability add an element of adventure, and I'd much rather be experiencing unpredictability in a hotel room in Germany than at 35,000 over the Sahara Desert.
Hopefully we (along with our missing bags) make it to Africa tomorrow!

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