Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Our first nursery

She is due in 2 days!! But I'm sure she will be late, which I am perfectly fine with. I have been feeling great, maybe just a little tired, but even that I can't complain about since I have not had swollen feet or legs, and no back complaints, so I feel pretty lucky.
I finished the nursery last week, and I love how it all turned out. This room did not come together by myself, lots of family and friends have attributed this darling room, and I am really grateful. Let me know what you think.

The long awaited nursery photos!

I got these night stands from my sister, and then we went and got knobs at Anthro.
This crib was a perfect find.
Lots of fun hair accessories. We are pretty sure she will be bald for a while, and we want people to know she is a girl.
Love these diaper pins.
While unpacking stuff from my childhood, I came across this dress and wondered why I had saved it for so long. I called my mom, and she confirmed that it's the dress I was blessed in. Now our daughter will be blessed in it as well.
I found these sweet little fairy puppets and decided to hang them outside her closet.
Aren't they just adorable?!
This was a perfect find, thanks to Cynthia! It holds everything we will need.
Lots of storage underneath.
And it holds all her toys on the other side.
My favorite purple chair. And my first pink furniture buy, an emu leather ottoman.
I can't wait to fill these frames.
The room is also our guest room.
Now we just wait.
Hopefully our next post will be the arrival of baby P!


April said...

OK, I hate when people post stuff on facebook or blogs or twitter or whatever, and put exclamation points after every sentence but...

It seriously looks like these pictures came straight from an anthropologie catalog!I'm so excited for you guys! The room is the cutest!!!!!! ! !!

And when I read that "baby P" will be blessed in the same dress you were, my eyes got a little watery. Weird, I know. I just think it's really sweet that you guys will get to share that. I'm a sucker for stuff like that.

I have no doubt she'll be a very happy baby in her adorable nursery and with parents like you guys!

Candace said...

Oh my goodness! It is all SOO stinkin' cute! What a lucky little girl! I can't wait to see her! I love that adorable little dress. And how sweet to have the same one that was yours. Brynlee was blessed in my childhood blessing dress as well, and it is so special to have it. You are one lucky girl to not have had the uncomfortable complaints of late pregnancy. ;) You are going to be such a wonderful mother! Can't wait!

Aimée Dillon said...

OMgosh, CheyAnn!!! The room is ADOREABLE! I want to live there! haha.

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