Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Arctic BLAST 2011

A while back we woke up to this snow storm!!! The news media called it—wait for it, wait for it— Arctic Blast 2011!!! Adam, who grew up here, has never seen snow on the ground in San Antonio, so obviously it was a big deal to him. Solana has never seen snow on the ground anywhere, so it was also a big deal to her.  The best part about having snow in Texas is that everyone freaks out and cancels school, work, and shuts down the freeways. The news channels showed footage of the interstate highways that go through the city, and it looked like San Antonio had just experienced nuclear apocalypse—dead still and silent.  
When they shut down the I-10, apparently some truckers had to wait on the road for a couple of hours until it reopened.  Adam's favorite part was when a news channel interviewed on of these "survivors":
News guy: "So, were you prepared to be stuck out in the snow for an extended period? Did you have food and blankets?"
Trucker: "Well, I just kept the heater on in the cab, and I had some trail mix, so I was okay."  Look for that compelling tale of survival in a Sundance film in a year or two.
 So Adam didn't have to go to work, and we couldn't drive anywhere till noon (when they re-opened the freeways) so we stayed inside and pretended it was a real storm in Montana(where they never cancel anything, no matter how much snow is on the ground).

It ended up being a cold long weekend, which sounds bad, but it was really fun.

I'm not sure what the snow measured, but it was less than an inch.

Since we didn't have any cold weather clothes for her, we just layered and layered her up. 

She didn't really like touching the snow, it was too cold for her, and it was pretty chilly outside.

Adam was in heaven that day, one reason was because work was cancelled, which made for a long weekend, and second, because he LOVES the cold!
 I love this photo of them laughing together. She is such a daddy's girl

Our family photo 
(taken at 8am in our pj's and to record arctic blast 2011!)


Candace said...

Ha ha! That's too funny that they called it an Arctic blast... and shut down everything for an inch of snow. It got a bit crazy here too, and definitely more than an inch, but they didn't give it a cool name like that. Lol! Looks like you had fun though! Cute little Solana! She's a doll!

Jessica said...

Maybe 'they' should visit Utah and see what a real artic blast looks like! You are an adorable little family! Hope all is well.

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