Saturday, December 17, 2011

Time to go!

The other day, I was heading out the door and was yelling for Solana to come downstairs and get into the car. She slowly comes walking out of our bedroom, all ready to go! 
 Let's see what she has:

Moms running shoes, check!
A suitcase, check!
A baby, check!
Cell phone, check!
Well really what else does a girl need?

I really could not stop laughing at all this girl was trying to take with her, and actually how right on she was with what you need. I'm glad I caught this on camera. 


Brooke said...

Too funny! (and cute)

KatieB said...

Ha ha! Super cute! What a crack up :)

Mike & Rebecca said...

It is definately in these moments that parents realize not only how cute their offspring are, but how smart and how much they are watching us! what a doll!

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