Monday, October 15, 2012

Baby boy Prestidge

We are so excited to announce that we have a baby boy Prestidge on his way! He is due February 3rd, and we are thrilled!! Solana guessed it right (she was firm in her prediction that it was a boy for weeks), and Adam and I were very surprised.  This pregnancy felt the exact same as Solana so I just assumed it was another sweet girl.  The pregnancy was off to a rough start, and when I say rough, I mean we found out I was pregnant in the ER.
Here's the quick version (the long version is drawn out throughout the summer and it does not bring back fond memories)
Sunday evening as I was reading stories to Solana at bedtime, I felt something burst inside my abdomen, it was extremely painful and I was very confused as to what was happening.  Solana could see my pain and ran to get Daddy. I could barely move—I just crawled around the house trying not to cry, but the pain became so bad that I just let myself cry it out.  Adam hurried and put Solana to bed, and then we sat on the sofa debating what to do.  I did not want to go to the hospital, and I was just hoping the pain would go away.  But after waiting awhile, we finally decided to head out to see what this was all about.
In the urgent care, after waiting forever, an old lady doctor with a curt accent stomped in and looked at me and said, "Did they give you a pregnancy test?"
I responded, "I don't know."
Without looking up from her paper, she snapped, "Well they did.  And you're pregnant."
It was definitely an unexpected and anti-climactic way to find out, plus, it did not come with any resolution for my abdominal pain.
From urgent care to the ER, they had discovered that I was pregnant, and that either a cyst had burst on my ovary, or I was having an ectopic pregnancy. We knew nothing about either one....and since we had also found out we were having a baby, we were all kinds of confusion in the middle in the night.  After lots of tests and ultrasounds, they still knew nothing.  They finally brought in an OB/GYN from the OR who specializes in high risk pregnancies.  He was fabulous! He told us this "If your having an ectopic pregnancy, you could die if we don't terminate it right now, but my gut says it's a burst cyst on your ovary, so you decide."
No big deal, right?
After much thought and prayer, we decided to risk it and trust the doctor.  I was sent home on complete bed rest and Adam was given strict instruction about my health and the risks involved.  After a couple of days, I went back for more tests, and to our relief, it was a cyst that had partially burst! The bad news was that the cyst happen to be on the same ovary that was supplying hormones to the baby, and the baby was not getting enough. (oh this haunting cyst!) So I was put on hormones for my first trimester, which I'm happy to say did not have any side effects.  It was just such a pain to take. I also continued to have the cyst burst which was extremely painful, until it was finally small enough that I did not feel it anymore.
Well I am happy to report that at our 20 week ultrasound, he is 100 percent healthy! We did not tell anyone because of the risk of loosing him, but we are happy that all is well in baby land.  So that was our summer....lots of doctor appointments, lots of nausea and only some sickness.
I guess this was the semi-long story, sadly this is the shortest version I could write up.

Here is the happy big sister to be!


D. Brack and Kelly Mulliner said...

Wow, that is quite the story! I am so glad things are looking good now :) Congrats!

Katie Briggs said...

Adorable picture of Solana and the sonogram! Congratulations...and what a story! I'm so glad that your baby is healthy and growing well.

Katie Briggs said...

Okay i have to let you know that i keep thinking about your pregnancy and the crazy/difficult start it I had to go back and read that story one more time. That must have been so hard in the beginning of the pregnancy not knowing if your baby would survive or not. I really am glad the baby is doing well!

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