Friday, January 10, 2014

November from the phones

Getting ready for Solana's first school picture day! Overnight, we put curlers in her hair, so in the morning, it was extra curly and she loved it.  haha.

Adam took her to the William & Mary football game, along with Grandma and Grandpa. Adam took her to see the band, but when they got close, she spotted the cheerleaders, and decided that all she wanted to do was hang out by the "dancing girls".  So Adam took her down on the track where they were already taking a picture, and everyone just crowded around Solana.  She felt so special! 

Guess who stopped sucking their thumb? Thanks to the wonderful "thumb guard" from Etsy, she has quit her formerly much-loved day time thumb sucking. Now we we take on the night time in the New Year. We are so proud of her!  Santa brought a special dollhouse just for her because she did such a good job!

Our thanksgiving tree. It got more colorful the closer we got to Thanksgiving, but it was fun to work on and Solana loved writing and coloring all the things she was thankful for. 

Daddy taking a study break during the day to watch a movie with his favorite little girl.

Feast Day at Solana's school. And Grammy and Baby Boston came too! 

Yeah, she was really good at the singing part of the program…..

Thanksgiving weekend. Hanging out in Norfolk.

Solana got a letter from her Aunt Olivia who is serving her mission in Chicago.  Olivia colored her a picture of Cinderella, complete with a missionary nametag. So its Sister Cinderella! Solana was beyond excited, as is easy to see here.

Another great moment captured by Solana, the budding photographer.

Another great moment captured by Adam. Yep, I'm not embarrassed to say that lots of my nights end like this. 

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Your kids are so cute! We love Daddy study breaks, but the movie "Halle" picks always ends up being Cars. I am going to laugh when the day comes that she insists on Tinkerbell :) Not going to lie, my favorite picture is the last one!

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