Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The Big 30 and little 2!!

My boys had some birthdays! Back to back to be exact….hey that rhymes! Anyway, long story short, after Adam worked like crazy for most of our California trip, we ended up extending our vacation and we got to have these amazing birthdays in San Diego!  
When we found out we were extending I had to hurry and plan 2 birthdays, and since Adam was turning 30 and I needed it to be the big deal that is actually is. I then remembered that Adam's Dad was coincidentally going to be in San Diego and I hurried and texted him about our extended trip and I also invited Adam's Mom as well, and she was able to get a last minute flight using Skymiles for just $12! I was so excited for the surprise to actually be happening! Adam was also so overworked and stressed, and he needed this more than ever.  
And since Boston's birthday is the day before Adam's, I decided to have double party (that way Adam would not suspect his own). And it worked out perfectly! We celebrated 2 days in a row (as we always will) and it was so fun. Especially since these boys don't ever get a sunny and warm birthday in February. 

Love this birthday man of mine, and so excited he finally joined me in the 30's club!

Adam's Mom got Adam the most delicious cake ever!! Adam is a chocoholic, and this one from Cheesecake Factory couldn't have been more perfect!

Boston loves chocolate just as much as his daddy. So 2 chocolate cupcakes for our 2 year old

Happy 2nd birthday Bostie!

Gift bags for the party goers.

The birthday boy!

Playing with the cousins.

Who's excited for chocolate?

His happiness just melts me. He is the happiest boy I know!

Yum yum yum….

I just love this photo. 

Just a boy and his trains.

And more trains…

And more cousins...

Boston's favorite buddy is Grandpa Brad!

Our little frog in the pool.  He was so happy just chilling there.

Accepting his new decade. 

Kiss your 20's goodbye!

Thirty and thirsty!

A little photo booth action is always fun.

The men came to party!

Grammy and Grandpa with their birthday boys.

I love this photo. And hope its not a glimpse into Boston's future (Boston just happy to be by the ladies while they ignore him…)

I might take the same photo in 10 years and get the same results. Love these girls!

Look at this cute family! Love these guys and it was so great of them to host us all!

And this adorable family! Logan was giving me the death stare behind those sexy lips...


A wonderful part of his birthday, having his parents surprise him, worked out perfectly!

Pure joy :)

How is he 2 already?!

Solana in her element.

On Boston's birthday Solana got to have her very first sleepover with her cousins. She was beyond excited and had a blast! 

How Boston prefers to spend his birthday evening. Chillin' with Grandpa on his (Boston's) iPad.

Happy real 30th birthday babe!!

A little stroll with Grammy is good for the soul.

The highlight of the day was renting this contraption called a bike. The weather was great and the company was perfect.

Seriously we had a blast!

Happy grandkids, happy Gigi!

I'm pretty sure Adams mom looks like his older sister. I hope our kids get their youthful genes :)

We ended Adams birthday with a perfect dinner at the Grand Del Mar hotel, one of our favorite places. Just the family and our Moms and it was delightful. It was also the ending of our trip.  And it was great to leave on such a high note.  There was little excitement about heading home to the bitter cold,  but we did it anyway, still glowing from our birthdays in the sun. As always, California never disappoints.

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