Thursday, October 8, 2009

Busy, blah blah blah...

We are tired and worn out, and we aren't even half way through the semester. We lose track of the days and the time. We miss sleep, and having a social life. The good news in all of this craziness is that we are going to Vegas this month and then Texas in November. So there is light that shines in our tunnel every now and then. The other good news is that this is will all be over for us in April. Is it too early to start counting down the days? We are very excited to move next year, and are looking forward to big changes. If this sounds too down in the dumps, well, it's a little hyperbolic, yes, but it's after midnight and we both have long days beginning early in the morning. Life is great, but it's busy.
Last weekend we attended our mission reunion. It was a lot of fun. It was really good to see the missionaries that don't live close to us and to catch up. And it's always fun to see the those that we do keep in touch with. It was a great break from our busy schedule of school and work. We will try to keep up on our blog, but right now, here are some photos...

Beautiful Montana. Taken at the place where we first met.
Our district in the mission, 3 years ago.
We had so much fun seeing everyone, and especially President Fisher, who was pretty tired by the time this picture was taken.
Some of CheyAnn's favorite sistas.

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