Thursday, September 16, 2010

A little time off

When we moved to Texas for our year off we had lots of expectations. But they haven't quite turned out as much as we hoped (I know it sounds sad, but it's not). We are learning so much, and having fun with this crazy roller coaster of a life. And even though at times we regret not going straight off to law school, we sit back and remember what it's all about, FAMILY! Adam and I have been so blessed to be able to spend so much time together and to  have time to learn all about our daughter. So I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm happy that life doesn't turn out the way we think it should, surprises are always exciting, and we should always welcome change....can't get too bored ya know.

So before Adam got promoted at work, we had some quality time with our little family. Here are some pictures of what we were up to.

We all laid on the floor and got some fun family photo's.

The twins

This is our new walking trail we discovered, it's really big and only 5 minutes from the house. It has lots of cool caves and different trails to take.

Solana was only interested for about half hour, then she dozed off on our way back to the car.

I love this picture. Just playing in her nursery

I put her down for a nap and when I clicked on the monitor to see if she had fallen asleep, I got this BOOTY shot staring right at me. We were laughing so hard, she cracks us up when she sleeps.

Morning time is my favorite with her, she has all this energy and is so playful. This is her singing away. She has discovered her voice in full volume!

G-pa Prestidge just got back from China and spoiled us all. Solana got some pajamas, in many colors, and a HUGE panda bear, I love that it's bigger than her right now.


Jane said...

Hey you guys! I'm glad we can be blog friends now. :) These pictures are so sweet, and Solana's bum shot on the monitor cracks me up! You guys are a beautiful little family!

Aimée Dillon said...

Haahahasha pandas eat babies??? I thought thy liked bamboo???

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