Saturday, July 21, 2012

Father's Day #3

So we are a tad behind on the blog :) I'm actually embarrassed that I'm only now posting about Father's Day. It feels like it was centuries ago, which is why I need to keep up with posting, because time is flying by and if I don't write it down, it will be lost forever somewhere in my brain. The day flew by pretty quickly.  The only thing I really remember is Solana and her nap.  So since we have afternoon church, we usually leave a little early and go for drive before church.  She usually either gets in a cat nap before it starts, or occasionaly she will sleep part way through church.  Either way it is a life saver to have her a little more mellow for the first part of church.  Well on Father's Day we got a text from our sweet sister missionaries who needed a ride to church. (no problem, right!?) Well it ended not working out in Solana's favor.  She loved having company in the car so much that she didn't fall asleep, and so after church she was so exhausted (and I didn't want her falling asleep at 4:30!) that the missionaries were doing everything they could to keep her awake (lots of singing and clapping and even a little leg shaking) but nothing was working.  Once we dropped them off it was up to us to keep her awake.  We failed miserably and by the time we got home I think she had slipped into a coma-like slumber.  Adam carried her in the house and cuddled with her for some time.  He said it was the best Father's Day gift he could get. (Solana doesn't hold still for longer than 2 seconds, so getting cuddle time would be a gift)

After she finally woke up we decided she better burn some energy so she would go to bed after such a late nap. So we wandered around CW and the weather was actually perfect in the evening!

It turned out to be a great 3rd Father's Day after all.  

The happy girl after her coma nap

Headed off to church

Adam's shining moment

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