Friday, September 27, 2013

Another month flies by. 7 to be exact

Happy 7 months, Boston! This little man's personality is changing constantly and I love watching it develop. It seems especially fun because after already having one, you can really see differences and similarities between them both. When you have just one, it was hard to know what is just normal baby behavior and what is actually part of their personality. So Round 2 is really fun from that perspective.  Boston is so much more laid back then Solana ever was.  And even though Solana was always a happy baby, Boston is a smile magnet and I'm pretty sure he is addicted to smiling too. He also loves, loves, loves to cuddle.  He will just sit and hug you and he always wants to be near people (Solana is the independent type) so we love them both the same, but it's really fun as he gets older to watch his personality show.  Right now he is addicted to Solana. All he wants to do is be near her, watch her, and laugh at her. He gets giddy when he sees her and she loves the attention. She will always say "Buddy thinks I'm funny!" and boy does he ever. She just sits and smothers him and makes faces and noises, and you can tell she is his world.  Its adorable! She has also developed a "baby voice" that is ever so high-pitched and an almost ear-piercing noise, but with a slight raspy voice. It's hard to explain, but it makes me crack up every time she busts it out.  Now on to the milestones:

At 7 months he just started crawling! Finally!!!! He has been in the rocking-crawl position for months and so we kept thinking any day now, but no, he likes to take his time.  Which is fine by us. We always say Solana runs on "Rabbit Speed" (she gets that from me) and Boston runs on "Puppy Speed" (which is faster than Turtle Speed, of course, it's just a little bit less deliberate - he gets that from Adam) so its been a nice balance.
He finally cut his first tooth, which was the bottom right! But then it was followed by the bottom left, and his two top middle teeth. So in a matter of 2 weeks, he got all 4!
He likes to ride shotgun at the grocery store and is ever so mellow doing so.
He LOVES books. Story time at night is his favorite.  If Solana is reading a book, it is just a matter of time before Boston crawls over and gets into the action.
He loves being sung to. He is a sucker for songs and it always calms him down.
Loves standing now as well, and really just wants to crawl and them climb up, he likes to be up high.
Oh and he loves doing yoga. Especially the downward dog position, that seems to be his nightly favorite.

Solana took this one, and I was pretty impressed. Yay for not being blurry and she actually got us both in the picture.  

 They love story time each night.  It's the one time we can get them to both sit still and listen.  

This is my favorite shot that I have caught on camera.  This face was all the excitement for one puppy at the park! You would have thought she spotted a pink polka dotted elephant, but no....a puppy!

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