Sunday, February 16, 2014

Bring on the snow storms! January!

So even though I feel like we did nothing for the month of January, we actually had lots of fun "firsts". A huge one for us - Solana is a Sunbeam in Primary!! She was pretty nervous at first, but she was excited to go into Primary with all the big kids, and now she is an old pro, she doesn't even like me to walk her in, she says "no mommy, you stay here, I will go in by myself" yeah her independence still surprises me, even though she is my daughter…
And we had 2 big snow storms back-to-back!! I think we just froze for the whole month of January. Our part of Virginia rarely gets snow, maybe some light dusting once a year, but this year we got lots (and I think we have one more tomorrow) so lots of snowmen have been built and Solana and Adam are loving it, while Boston and I stay nice and warm inside. 

First day of Sunbeams. Love my sunshine girl. 

Let the snow begin….

Boston only remained happy in the snow for about 5 minutes, then he got over it real quick.

And this one could stay in the snow and eat it all day long.

They each built a mini snowman.  This was Adam's, named Olaf, after the snowman on Frozen.

Solana was really proud of her snowman, Ally, a foot or two in front of Olav.

In between the two snowstorms, Boston tried spaghetti for the first time and loved it. Everyone loves a good spaghetti-covered baby.

Oh look its snowing again….this time was much worse.  Love our quiet little neighborhood when it is covered in snow.


2 minutes later…..

Poor Boston, and who buttoned his coat wrong?  Oh wait that was me….

Boston was the happiest watching from inside. Apparently snowman building is hilarious!  Every time Adam would toss some more snow on the pile and pat it down, Boston would just crack up so loud that Adam could hear it outside.  I don't know what was so funny about it, but Boston could've laughed at snowman building all day.

Solana wanted a snowman as big as her. Well this is the best they got with our powder.  Maybe they are close to the same size in volume, just spread out a little differently.

Meet Henrietta, she is a vegetarian snow women :)  Blackberries for her eyes, carrot nose, cilantro stem for the smile, and cucumbers for the buttons, and celery for her arms.  What a doll she is….  (Funny story about Henrietta - she started out being built as Henry, but we really only had little girl accessories, so she became a girl snow lady.  Adam said she was a sister missionary.  Haha, I have no idea why he thought about it.  (Maybe it is because she is a bundled up, a little chubby, and very sweet looking.)

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