Sunday, February 9, 2014

December Phoney Pics

With how busy it was this season, I am surprised I captured as many moments as I did on my phone. But yay for more photos. Here are the highlights:

This is her puppy house…in case you were wondering. 

My little mama's boy (whether I like it all of the time or not...)

At first glance you might think this is an injury, but then at second glance  you can see the shimmery makeup, and her beautiful face beaming with happiness that she put on mommy's makeup all by herself!  oh man…it took a while to get this off.

Getting all ready for Uncle Hunter's wedding.

Traders Joe's is already our favorite place in all of Williamsburg. The fact that they got mini-shopping carts put them beyond our favorite, just when I thought my love scale couldn't get any higher...

Finally on Christmas Eve we made our beloved gingerbread boys.  I had never made them, and didn't realize what an undertaking it was. So we spent most of the afternoon doing this. But we had so much fun, and Solana is such a great baker!

Driving "home" from delivering cookies.  Adam would say "Okay, let me steer to park," then Solana would argue and say "I know how to do it!" We are in trouble when she actually learns to drive! 

Getting their Christmas Day snuggles on. 

Taking Solana to see where we got married. She loved it! And when we went to leave she said "Wait we didn't go inside to get married!" (We'll just be honest, little Boston was sleeping in the car.  Crazy red eye the night before, so we let him sleep!)

Solana took this great photo of us on the steps.  Nice photo skills, our little 3 year old!  So much better than a selfie...

Shoving her face with cupcakes at Hunter and Emily's reception. 

So serious in his suit.

Some day they will be great friends.  Little Parker is too cute for words!

Best friends since the 5 grade, Katie and I go way back…
It was so much fun catching up, the kids on the other hand didn't have as much fun, but Katie and I are smiling and thats what counts!  (The kids were so wiggly and hyper!  This was seriously the best photo we could get!)

Putting this little crazy monster to bed is always fun. When she gets tired, she either gets sassy or super silly. It was one of those crazy silly nights where we laugh a lot. 

Time to bring on the New Year!

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