Thursday, August 20, 2015

34 Was a Score!

It happened and I couldn't avoid it.  I turned 34!  And this birthday was the best yet!  I do believe that each year brings such great new things.   New goals, new things learned from your previous year, and a new outlook on whatever is before you.  Plus I have always loved birthdays! 

This year's celebration was so fun, because it was my first birthday in NYC, and having a holiday birthday always means that Adam is home to celebrate it with us.  We decided to head to the top of One World Observatory to enjoy the view.  It was incredible and I recommend it to everyone!  Its the highest point in the Northern Hemisphere and it feels pretty amazing to look at this vast city from that high up. 

So, we decided that even though it was cheesy, it would be pretty fun to have this photo taken 100 stories above the city!  And since both of our kids smiled, we went ahead and bought it.  I can't believe how big our kids look!

We just had to take a picture with our home right behind us.  Our building is the one right behind Adam's hair :).  It's so weird because our apartment feels high up on the 35th floor, but it looks so tiny and far away!

Same picture - different background!

Time to party!

This guy takes at least a solid 20 minutes to wake up from a nap.  During that 20 minute waking period though - look out!

Because everyone needs a slab of marble on their birthday.  Practically doubled my kitchen counter space, haha.

A party is never complete without dancing. 

Daddy is pretty much the greatest thing in all our lives.

Waiting, along with 3 million of our closest friends, on the FDR for the Macy's Fireworks to start shooting over the East River. And surprisingly not as crowded as we had heard it would be. 

It was a pretty amazing show!

Walking home and soaking up every last minute of the day. And I love that the world trade center is lit up with red, white, and blue! 

Happy 4th of July!

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