Saturday, August 22, 2015

July - the Essence of Summer

July was easy and fun. It was full of holidays, birthdays, and special occasions and lots of and lots of fun summer activities.  July is our favorite!! 

Enjoy the highlights.  Because we sure did :)

4th of July playgroup!

A good ol' fashioned sack race.  For a two-year old, Boston is really good at this kind of thing!

The Downtown crew...

After closing a big international deal that was months in the making, Daddy got off work early and met us at the park, it was quite the treat. 

Boston was thrilled to be subway surfing.

Our first ticker tape parade, and the first one in New York City in 60 years! And hooray for the USA Women's Soccer Team!

This is what it looked like from above, raining ticker tape down from the skyscrapers around us!

My pool side view was just about perfect!  We lucked out that our apartment has a nice pool, and some days it is just perfect!

If he could watch boats all day he would. 

He likes the kind of carousels that don't move

He does not like them when they go around (as most carousels do).

Dr. Butterfly has arrived!

We love Posman books, its our new favorite go-to bookstore.  What a perfect spot for two little city kids!

 A wonderful happy 7 years to us!! Its been bliss baby!

She couldn't be more creative and he is pretty happy to play along.  More so than his face suggests in this picture!  He is off to space in his rocketship!

She discovered how great it feels to float. 

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