Our time to leave for our trip to Europe is creeping upon us! We have less than two weeks until we are off to France and Amsterdam. We have been busy deciding on hotels and which places to go visit. I cannot wait to spend my 28th birthday in Paris!! Adam and I have been so busy with other things that we haven't even sat down and planned it. But we are finally narrowing things down and it is so exciting!
Soon after we got married, while we were driving home from a trip to Montana, we got out the laptop and wrote down our lifetime goals. So many of them will take a long time to be fulfilled, but with our summer travel plans, we are already achieving some of the goals on our list. We never would have thought that we would be accomplishing some of them so soon. It is a great blessing and we can't wait to keep living more dreams on our list. Time is flying by fast and we don't want this summer to end. Adam just finished summer school, and is now working and getting prepared to speak in Amsterdam. I'm really excited to hear him speak. We never thought we would actually be going—it's such a wonderful feeling. Other than that we are keeping busy and soaking up all the time we get to spend together. We will have lots to post next month from our Europe trip.

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