Saturday, July 18, 2009

Post Paris

"Life is about shooting forward."—Adam Prestidge (I just made that up.)

Well, we've had a few days to recover from our jet lag, which we again discovered is very real.
After spending two weeks in Europe, it is interesting to be back in Lehi, Utah, where there are far fewer people and much more open sky. Seeing new and different places always adds a new perspective to the world around us.

We really appreciate everyone who read our blog while we were traveling, and we hope you enjoyed it. It was a lot of fun for us while we were over there.
Now it's back to reality, where the prices don't require an exchange rate and no one brings you room service.

But the good news for us is that we are headed to Africa for two weeks in August for a safari with the rest of the Prestidge family! We have enjoyed our travel-blog so much that we are excited to continue it while we are far away on another adventure!

Stay tuned. We hope you will enjoy: "Adam and CheyAnn! Live from Namibia!"


Tiff and Chris said...

How exciting to go to Africa! I guess once you've had a little bit of jet lag, what a little more?! Congrats on your first year of marriage-awesome!

Scott and Michelle said...

I read about your whole trip and it sounds amazing. It makes me want to go to Europe. Maybe some day. Good for you guys to do so many wonderful things before you have kids. I hope your africa vacation is just as marvelous.

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