Sunday, October 24, 2010

A Little Foodie

Solana just turned 5 months, such a big girl, literally 16 pounds!
So we recently started her on solid foods! I wanted to put it off as long as I could (I know I'm weird) because it was just easier to not have to make another meal. But when her need to eat more was interfering with her sleep schedule, I decided to add a little more to her diet.  So I skipped the rice cereal thing and went straight for the veggies. I decided I would make her food myself, it was so much fun, and cheaper!  I did my research and talked the pedi, and I decided on sweet potatoes. Mmmm.....she loved it. Anyone know of some good baby recipes?

For her first meal, I wanted daddy to be there. So I set a plate for her at the dinner table. 

She was a little unsure what was going on, but ate it, and liked it. We took video, and it was so fun to have another first.

I think she would rather eat the spoon than what's on it, but whatever gets the food in her mouth.

It was fun to feed her, but I was not excited about cleaning her. Good times!

1 comment:

chip and bex said...

hi! i found you through aimee's blog. your baby is SO cute!! I hope you're doing well!

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