Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Oh Happy Day...Let Summer Begin!

Adam finished with his second year of law school!! School is done for the summer and it's time to play.   This time next year he will actually be graduating, woot woot! 
But for now we are just as excited to have another year behind us, and it was a great year at that. 
So for the summer we have some fun plans and some not so fun plans.  Once Adam was done, we had 2 weeks of play time together, which flew by. He is now gone for the summer (the not so fun part)  and we are not sure when we will see him next.  I get to stay at home with the kiddos and party (and try to survive single parent living) we have lots of fun things planned, and have plenty to do, it's just never as fun to do it spouse-less.  So this was the beginning of our 2 week summer. 

Feeding ducks is still a favorite activity around here.  Now that winter has ended, we're happy to see our feathered friends around here again.

One of Solana's favorite things to do is lay down in our arms and pretend that she is a baby, sometimes a sleeping baby.  I'm sure there's some big-sister, toddler-psychology going on here, but while we hesitate to encourage it too much, it is however the time when she is most easily manageable.
Running around the house like a mad woman at bedtime?  "Come here baby, come get in my arms and I'll put you to bed."  She'll jump right up with a coo and snuggle in for the night.  Works every time.

"Oh hello there"

"Seriously women, put down the camera"

He's a rolling over machine, I can barely keep his on his tummy long enough for him to have his tummy time. 

Handsome boy.  
Solana said the other day "Boston is pretty like me" I told her boys are handsome and then she said "Then he is cute and handsome" Such a funny girl.  But you have to be careful with your adjectives - the other day she told Adam that only girls were beautiful.

I love the wind up pitch of bread. Softball might be in her future.  (No, Adam informs me that he will strongly discourage this as a last-resort sport.)

Picnics are pretty popular around here.  Now that the weather is nice, we actually get to play them outside and have real food.  

No one can get bigger smiles from this boy than his Daddy.  He's a Daddy's boy for sure. 

I guess Solana thought his outfit lacked a bow tie. She likes to help pick out what he wears :)

 Too bright, and too fun.

1 comment:

Katie Briggs said...

i love reading your updates! I'm sad we never were able to get together out east (did you know i moved back to CA?). And Leah is TOTALLY into pretending to be a baby too! Must be an age thing. (I love that you got a picture of it...I need to try to work that out).

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