Sunday, May 26, 2013

When did we grow up?

How hard is it to get a family photo? For us it was very difficult, the last family photo we have is the four of us in the hospital when Boston was born, snapped by a hurried nurse while we were all delirious, so 3 months ago. It was pretty important for Adam to get this done before he left for New York.  So 2 days before he left, we were on our way to a friend's party, and we asked our friend Sarah to take some quick pictures for us. So in about 5 minutes, this is what we got.  Some fabulous photos! The big miracle of these photos, is how normal Solana seems. We can never get her to do her "normal" smile, she'll usually go for some all out goofy grin.  So for that we were most happy.  Sarah is an amazing photographer, and we were so grateful for her help.  Now we have proof we now have 2 kids. 

Are these not the same kind of photos that hang in our parents' homes?  Adam and I looked at these and could not believe we now have kids of our own and have the same kind of photos. It's very surreal and I feel so grown up, but we are just not sure how it happened so fast.

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