Thursday, June 12, 2014

Mothers Day Craziness!

I swear each year on Mother's Day I get more and more grateful (and emotional) to be a mother. Maybe as each child comes I feel my love for the job grow. Or maybe its because my hubby always surpasses my expectations and shows me more love than I ever thought possible. Either way, this one was especially wonderful. Lots of happy tears were shed.  Solana kept saying to me and Adam, "Why are you guys crying?" (Yes, Adam is allowing me to write that yes, he was crying too, just a little bit.)  We would have to explain that you can have sad tears and happy tears (which has been a fun, new concept for her in the last few weeks).  So this Mother's Day fell on the same day as graduation, and even though it was busy, it was so great to combine two great events. I will get another Mother's Day next year but Adam only graduates from law school once (hopefully it's his last degree). So here are the few but perfect highlights of the Mother's Day festivities:

Solana is my flower girl in every way. So that morning while Adam was making some waffles, Solana and I ventured out early to pick flowers in the neighborhood. It was one of the highlights of my day :)

My first Mother's Day with him was spent with him sleeping the day away (he was only 4 months old) and Adam had just moved to NYC the day before, so not very memorable with those standards. But this year was spent with him being silly and having so much fun. 

I cried when she gave her homemade card (Adam did a great job helping her). I also got a wooden spoon she painted at school and the another great card. Homemade cards are the very best!!

Helping me open up some presents. 

Adam made some delicious waffles with all the fruit toppings. It was perfect. And later his mom and family came over for the brunch as well. It was so fun to spend the day all together. 

I loved that Adam snagged this realistic candid photo. You work so hard to get a nice photo with smiles, but we usually end up with 10 like this before you get…


I'm sure I feel like most moms when I say that I'm the luckiest mom in the world to have such wonderful and perfect kids. How I got so lucky to get to love and be loved by these 3 amazing people is beyond my every expectation. 
It was best Mother's Day/Graduation Day!

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