Monday, May 16, 2011

Another birthday?

My First mother's day was like having another birthday. I was especially excited for my first one, because I didn't know what to expect. And it ended up being so fun, and full of great surprises. 
Happy Mother's day to all!!

We went to the park and she did lots of new things, like this spinning carousel, and riding a horse. It was pretty hot, so she was over the whole park thing rather quickly.

 For those of you that know your love language, mine is QUALITY TIME! So I was in heaven all weekend getting to spend time with my 2 favorite people in the world. And I cried when I got a book that Adam made for me. It was similar to one of Solana's favorite books, and he wrote it from her perspective. She loves to have it read to her before bed. 

One of Adam's excellent food creations. Five cheese pizza with caramelized onions and balsamic vinaigrette.

I'm getting hungry just looking at these. Mmmm......

The Solana tote. Aunt Sarah sure knows to have fun. We have LOVED having her back for the summer.

Our fabulous weekend came to a sweet end with these treaties. Raspberry frappes!! 

1 comment:

Tanner Family said...

CheyAnn I just found your blog! Yay! How are you? You have the most darling family, loved catching up with your life! Hope all is well!

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