Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Just turned one, shout HOORAY!

Saturday was Solana's first birthday!!! 
Birthday's are really important to us in this family, we make a big deal out of them. If we could have celebrated it all weekend, we would have. But instead we packed her birthday full of fun things to do. 
I can't believe how fast time has gone, and  I am even more surprised that in one year our little baby has grown and changed into this little talking, giggling, and running around the house crazy toddler. It has been the best year so far. Thanks Solana for being the greatest part our lives.
Happy Birthday!

Friday May 21st, 2010. 
I can't believe how much she's grown!

Saturday May 21st, 2011
I'm a big girl now.

So off to the zoo we went.

"I know this is fake guys, I am looking at real elephants right now."

The best Godparents in the whole world. She loves her Heather and Matt

Oh surprise! It's a goat!
Oh maybe I will go pet it.

Aunt Sarah saved the day! It was hot and humid and we were all sweatin'. But Sarah found some shaved ice to cool off the birthday girl, and boy did she suck it down!

We had a 'Little Miss Sunshine" party.

All she wanted to do was play in the yard the whole time.

"Thanks Grandpa Ross for my new pink chair, it's just my size"

It took her awhile to love opening her presents. She was so impatient, (We don't where she got that from, lol) she just wanted to see what was inside after we opened it for her.

"I love my new pal Violet"

Banana split ice cream cake anyone?
I am embarrassed to say, but we actually took her cupcake sampling the week before her birthday, I just wanted to make sure she liked it. Well I am glad we did, cause she had no interest in it. So Adam suggested an ice cream cake because she LOVES cold things (she is always drinking my smoothies) and she ended up loving her ice cream cake, hooray!

This is a face of pure enjoyment
"Get that cake in my mouth!"

"oh a spoon is so much better"

She actually enjoyed feeding us some cake too. 
She loves to share!

"Well that was great!"
"Happy birthday to me!"


Unknown said...

Oh Adam, she's precious!! Last time I saw her, she was still just a round thing in CheyAnn.

But I get the message: good lookin' mom and dad = great lookin' baby. Thanks for sending me the link! Keep it coming :)

Katie Briggs said...

I love that picture of Solana seeing the goat - her excitement shows in her whole body :)

So glad you guys are choosing to go to William and Mary!

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