Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Baby B is 2 Months!

I can't believe our little Bos-man is 2 months.  I swear time goes faster with your second sweet kid. He is getting so big and so wiggly!  I love love love how happy and smiley he is, it just makes my day.  Seriously, he is just a smile machine.  Anytime someone enters into his view, it's like he says, "Oh!  I'm just delighted that you're here!"  
At his 2 month check up he weighed 14 1/2 pounds, and he is a whopping 25 inches long (95%). It definitely explained why he is growing out of all his one-sies and is wearing 6 month clothes. I have to buy 2-piece outfits in everything! 
This little man's latest:
-He takes 4 naps a day and eats 8 times a day
-He loves tummy time and scooting along the floor
-He now sleeps 7 hours straight at night, and I can't get over how amazing all that sleep feels.
-He has blue eyes and super white, blonde hair, and we are hoping both are permanent
-He's a people watcher, he just wants to be where the people are and stare
-And he loves to cuddle (my favorite thing!!)

Now if you ask Solana about Boston she will tell you his favorite color is blue and he loves animals, especially horses. 

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