Monday, April 1, 2013

Sunday Afternoon

We have church in the morning now, bright and early at 9am, and at first we thought we would love it, but now we are realizing that we are definitely afternoon church-goers.  But the one thing that has been nice about this is the long afternoon we have wide open.  We all just sit around the house and relax or head to Colonial Williamsburg for walks.  
I have a new goal to take photos of my children every day. I just feel time is going too fast and I want to remember it.  Having our family blog has been a great way to remind myself that this is for us and that we should document each day.  So for the past three Sundays I have been really good about documenting the "everyday."  So here is to more photos of random play on Sunday.

Solana is obsessed with animals.  She loves them stuffed or plastic or on TV or in a book.  She always asks every person she meets what their favorite animal is. Hers are elephants and kitties (formerly puppies) and I'm sure it will be ever-changing.  But we just love when she busts them out and we watch her play with them.

My boys. Love them.

I feel so bad that Boston lost his hair on top, so he's sportin' the horseshoe hairstyle.  But what is even more random, is now his hair has grown back on top all blonde, like white blonde! 

My kids.  Love them too!

I guess she got a little tired of playing outside and decided to take a break. She is a people watcher for sure.  

I caught these two painting each other's faces.  I guess when you run out of paper, just paint the next best white thing, your face!

Yes. Last week we got lots of snow..well a lot for little Williamsburg.  Solana and Adam had so much fun playing in it. Boston and I stayed in the warm house. I cannot wait for Spring to finally arrive!!

Here's hoping for sunny days ahead.  (Except for Adam, who says he wishes he lived in White-Witch Era Narnia.  Nerdspeak meaning: "winter all the time.")

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