Sunday, April 7, 2013

Phone Fading. A Needed Update

My phone is fading fast.  Last November when we were potty training Solana, she accidentally dropped my iphone in the toilet.  Let's just say it was a collective mistake by all of us.  Luckily it survived, but ever since that happened, my phone continues to slowly work down from its full capacity.  First my wifi stopped working, and some other things, but now my screen goes black and even though it's on, I can't see a darn thing on it.  While it was working, I hurried and uploaded all my non-insta photos so that I could have them on my computer.  These were so fun to look at over the last couple of months and get some photos of some random days we had.  

Fingers crossed my phone lasts a little while longer till it's upgrade season at Sprint :)
But here are my favorite captured moments. 

 Parkin' it up. Slide racing is the best!

No these are not leggings.  Adam actually dressed Boston with his pants under his one-sie!  He was in a hurry to get him dressed, I suppose, but he says it was a joke.  Oh that man makes me laugh.

Why does my daughter look kind of stressed taking care of her baby? I really hope she is not emulating me.  I think it's so cute how well she takes care of her babies, but now that I look at these photos, she kind of looks tired.  I know the feeling!

 (love those matching jammies)

Bedtime is my favorite time.  One reason is that I love it is the alone time Adam and I get to actually have conversations without a little voice saying "Um excuse me, I tell you a question", while Adam and I are trying to catch up from the days activities, or my new favorite "Mommy, you listening to me?" But the other main reason that I love it is the STORIES! Solana loves to read, and her new favorite thing is to have us read it her, then she repeats it back word for word.  We are pretty impressed with her memory.  But then after you tuck her in, she tells you a great story straight from her almost 3 year old imagination.  They usually get pretty long, but they are the greatest stories in the world.  

She loves to dress up. One afternoon in particular, she dressed up in ALL her costumes.  Her chef one is the cutest! 

Oh I wish this day could have been filmed. Not because it was fun, but it was a string of events that continued to get worse and worse throughout the day to the point that it actually became humorous. 
I will you give you the brief version.  Solana woke up really tired (but we did not know she was sick) so we continued on our day and headed out to Busch Gardens. After being there one hour and her not cracking a smile on any rides, she passed out on Adam (which has never happened, seriously!) then she woke up and while I was holding her, she threw up all over both of us. We left the theme park and rest is a bad day of history. But I'm so happy we have this photo to document it :)

Phone update: It finally died, please email me :)

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