Sunday, September 14, 2014

Boston hits a new mark. 18 months baby!

18 months!!!!!! I love this milestone, and yet it's so hard to be here. Where has the time gone?! Our second little one is growing faster than our first, and I know that everyone says that, but I don't like actually going through it.  But each new phase is so fun. Boston is one of the happiest and bounciest little guys around. He is a mover and a shaker and he does it all with a big smile.  He loves to play and have fun no matter what.  He is cuddly and lovey and gives great hugs and slobbery kisses. But when he doesn't get what he wants, let the dramatic temper tantrums fly. He spares no energy for good or bad.  
He loves to eat and help in the kitchen.
He loves playing with cars, reading books, and climbing on anything and everything. 
He has no fear, the faster and or higher you go the happier he gets. He is all adventure bound.
He loves to watch Solana and follow her around.
And his favorite activity is playing hide and seek. 
He is so much fun and his energy is contagious. 

So for his 18 month mark, I decided to put Boston in the same overalls that Adam wore when he was his age and take some similar photos. I really wanted to see the resemblance. The red chair in Boston's photo was Adam's chair when he was younger, and the overalls are the exact same. I took the photos right next the law school. We were pretty excited for how they turned out. 
Happy 18 months buddy!

Adam at 18 months. Boston is definitely his twin. 

Heres the side by side to really compare. Crazy!

18 months means nursery at church! He did great, no tears no fear. I think he was actually disappointed when we picked him up at the end of church. I don't think he was ready to leave...

She just walked up and posed like this, haha. I loved it!

Little brother…  They are such a good team.

Boston sports the "get off of me" look pretty often.

All ready for church. Best 3 years at this place!

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