Sunday, September 21, 2014

Hair trauma

The day that every mother dreads…. the self haircut moment!  And in our house, it was a big one.
This is how it happened:  It was a week before our move, and we decided to take the kids to Busch Gardens one last time. The kids were all ready to go, and Adam and I were upstairs finishing up and preparing to leave.  It had been pretty quiet downstairs, until Boston walks in our room. His hair was wet…
I called Solana's name and asked if she had been doing Bostie's hair.  No response. I call her again "Solana, answer mommy" No response.  "Solana please answer me!" and still nothing. I run downstairs to figure out where she is. She slowly comes out of her bathroom holding a baggy of hair in her hands….awe…..I gasped!!! I was in shock, had she really just cut off a ton of her hair…by herself!!!! I started to cry, and then Solana, seeing my face, starts to cry.  She keeps saying over and over "it will grow back, it will grow back, please don't cry mommy."  I couldn't stop crying, I was just so sad to see her curls cut off, her sweet little baby curls that she has always had.  Add that to the fact that her hair grows oh-so-slowly, and she has talked forever about how much she wants long hair and we've been so patient growing it out, and it was just such a shock.  She then started crying and from there we all cried and talked it out. 
It was then that Boston turned around and I saw that she had also cut his hair!! She said "He didn't really want me to, but I just followed him around and cut it anyway." 
Then she put it all in a bag to "save" her hair.  She said she just wanted bangs and for her hair to look cute for New York.  It was then that it hit me, that the changes that were about to take place in her little 4 year old life were just as hard as the major changes in ours.  She was nervous about moving and making new friends and leaving a home she loved so much.  
After we all put ourselves back together, we headed down the kid salon for a hair fix-it job on both kids.  And now she loves her hair and so do we. She is beautiful no matter what and we are so happy that she is happy.  But it still makes us nervous every time she wanders off with scissors….

Boston recently had his first haircut at home, and we put a little bit in a baggie, which I think is where she got the idea.

She said "boys should have short hair, not long!" I guess she didn't like his baby curly mullet he was growing.  As sad as I was about Solana's hair chop, Adam was pretty sad to see Boston's nice, easily-combable hair chopped short.

She left some long strands in the middle, so not all was lost.

Even though he could get his hair cut in a fire engine, Boston was not a fan of the hair salon, and by the end Adam was holding him...

Time for her the rest of hair to go. Bye bye mullet.  It was hard to see the stylist cut off 6 inches in some spots, knowing how long it took to grow and how much she loved her long hair.  But what could we do?

I love the short strands on the side.  We still have to cover them up.

The scene of the hair crime.

In the end, we all learned lots of lessons. I know its a rite of passage, but its so hard to go through.  But I know I cut my sister's hair, and I'm sure Boston will get her back one day and cut her hair. 
Of course, it is not about how we look, but what is inside of us and what makes us happy that is most important.
And Solana was right, it will grow back.  
All is well in hair land.

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