Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Corporate Zoo Day

The Central Park Zoo is probably is bets known for the great kids' movie "Madagascar", but the reality of this zoo is not at all what the movie portrays. It lacks just about all the animals they show.  When Adam first showed up for an event his firm was putting on, he was like, "Hey, where are the lions?!"  
BUT its still a zoo, and so the kids love it no matter what. The kids especially love it when Adam's law firm rents the entire zoo for the evening and they have everything you could ever want at a zoo: a craft table for the kids, face painting, and a candy table (where kids can literally fill bags full of any candy they want).  Oh and they had a fabulous dessert table, they had wonderful kid food and even great big kid food.  
It was a perfectly cool evening spent at the zoo with some of Adam's colleagues and their families.  We will definitely be looking forward to this next year! 

Yep!  Excited to be at the zoo!

Making sand jewelry.

Sometimes I think Boston thinks he is totally in charge.

Face painting is always high on Solana's to-do list.

Hanging out, eating candy, watching sea lions.

Hows this for candid?!  Adam wins. 

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