Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Making the most of Mother's Day

Mother's Day was brutal. And I'm not trying to be all dramatic. But I had the worst flu of all time. I woke up Friday morning not feeling so hot. And since I had gotten the flue in April, I assumed it would be a quick recovery just like the time before. I was SO WRONG! I felt like every day I got a new symptom, so by Sunday (Mother's Day) I was in some serious pain. I was also so sad not be able to just enjoy the day with Adam and the kids. I remember very few things about that day. Sleeping through most of it (I had a fever of 103) and taking some extra dose of medicine to be able to smile for some pictures. 
It took all my energy to get out of bed and open some presents, try to eat some delicious crepes that Adam prepared, and take a picture. That was it. 

At the end of the evening, after the kids were in bed, I got a tragic phone call. My mom had called to let me know that my dear friend from childhood had passed away the day before. My heart broke! 
I feel too young to loose a friend. I cried for her life being cut too short. So much of my childhood had her in it. Kelly was fun, kind, and so thoughtful. The last time I saw her was when I was in college, and I surprised her at her work, and we sat and caught up for an hour. I was reminded then what an incredible women she was. And I have always looked up to her and the way she took on life. She was a friend to all, always loving and accepting of everyone. You are missed Kelly belly.

Kelly Lawson, at age 32 you were just too young. But I know you are at peace. Love you kel bel!

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