Thursday, July 23, 2015

Father's Day happiness

Father's Day is always so much fun. We love to party and we have all the reasons in the world to celebrate this incredible man of mine. He is the best dad (and I hope everyone thinks that about their own) but Adam is the best! He is such a great teacher to these two little kiddies. He is also so fun to play with, and he puts up with so much being the human jungle gym when he comes home from work.  His creativity always blows my mind with all he comes up with.  
This Father's Day was a nice and easy one.  We had a mellow day going to church, opening a few little presents, making one his favorites at each meal, and playing. The bummer for him was having to end his night working from home, but his hard work is just one more thing we love about him!

Happy Father's Day!

Solana made the best "Why I love my Daddy" book. 

Boston is always helpful in the unwrapping department. 

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