Monday, August 8, 2016

February Best

Once the moving truck arrived and the kids started school, we started settling in and exploring the neighborhood and soaking up suburban life. Which means driving around for no reason and loving it and stocking up at the store... just because we can now.

I was looking forward to this moment for a long time. I loved going to Costco and stocking up and filling my car full of things that I could actually store in my kitchen. Its been wonderful to the have space for extra anything!

A sweet Valentines' Day party at school. 

Exploring the Waterway.

And making forts.

Rodeo Day at school!  She's got it down!

Howdy ya'll!

We made it down to the Houston Zoo and had a blast. But it was awful getting there, hours and hours of traffic. Ugh!

7 months pregnant with Farrah.

Its official: we are Texans and we are here to stay!

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